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Whueburg is a town created by x4verr on 11/6/2023. Its located in SW at coordinates: -4100, 1600. It's currently part of U.F.N. but it's inactive with one member logging on once every few weeks for over 8 months now.

Whueburgs banner


The beginning.[]

In the beginning Whueburg wasn't anything special. It was just a small town with a town hall a house and some underground houses. but after few weeks the leader x4verr invited a lot of people to the town including N_Golo7, NavyUmbra, Okiwix, MonsterMech, SpookyIsTaken, bohgz, odpo and many others. But one of them was very important. TheRebornBird was his name. He created a large tower and immediately started taking care of the towns military and defences. He started creating a wall around the whole area, which was soon finished by the best builder in the town - Okiwix. But sadly x4verr went on vacation and couldn't manage the town for around a month. So he gave the leadership to Reborn. And so it begun.

The building era.[]

Whueburgs plaza

After x4verr went on vacation Reborn started making this town great. In few weeks a tavern, a hotel and more and more houses were created. Most of them by Okiwix (Tavern, help with the hotel, 3 houses, 2 shops), but also by other members. Flower shop by Spooky, public storage by Joker and Bioxeli. A butchery by Melongitis. A giant treehouse (looks like a mushroom) by MonsterMech. And much more.

Whueburgs military.[]

Reborn created a lot of buildings for the town. But the most important one was Whueburg National Guard House. A building which was basically a jail, meeting room and Whueburgs Special Forces headquarters. Whueburgs Special Forces also known as JWK Komandosów had people like Reborn, Okiwix, MonsterMech and a few others. They were the best fighters in the town, even when they weren't really good. But when Deathcore raided Whueburg some time later, those special forces and also normal members defended the town bravely.

Golden Era[]

War and TH3_BU1LD3R.[]

And then the war between Imperium and Ragnarok begun. Okiwix, Reborn and a new person called TH3_BU1LD3R later known as th3_sk3l3t0n and Ulti10 went to Imperium after Reborn gave advice to both Rag and Imperium. They watched the fall of Imperium and celebrated Rags victory. After that everything went great. Until TH3_BU1LD3R tried to make a church. It was so ugly that everyone wanted him to take it down. And after some time he took it down and left the town. But that wasn't the end. As I wrote before Deathcore raided us. And TH3_BU1LD3R was there with Deathcore. He attacked Whueburg. 6 people including TH3_BU1LD3R and Matavious went to Whueburg and started attacking Reborn and Okiwix. Reborn was deathbanned since he was at his last life, but Okiwix hid in one of his shops. Then he called for help and over half of Whueburg logged on to help with the battle. Matavious and TH3_BU1LD3R were killed during that raid and their loot was taken by the citizens. With only exception being Matavious armor set because Kurdo (leader of Ragnarok) really wanted it back.


After x4verr came back from vacation, he decided that it's the best for him to leave Whueburg and create it's first colony. Right next to Whueburg, on the other side of the river, Gronnstadt was created. Gronnstadt was supposed to be a colony in size comparable to Whueburg itself. It had buildings like a great copper townhall, a tavern made by chaosjulius, houses, a great Whueburg port, which was created by Whueburgians right after x4verr went on vacation. At it's highest Gronnstadt had around 8 people and 4 of them were active.

Great times.[]

And with that the golden age of Whueburg begun. People were active everyday with Okiwix being the most active with at least 3h a day. Great buildings were created like the Church of Alcohol with Grand Priest Okiwix. With great war advices being given by Reborn to many nations across the world. Many alliances were made. With Redmane, Order of the Stone, Order of the Pandas, Everwood, Fellowship, Azurn, South Peak, Ziguan, Covert of the Eclipse, NEDA and many more. Those were great times. But it wasn't going to last for much longer.



Whueburg was one of the largest powers in South West. But then something happened. An update that changed everything. Raid 2.0. Because of that update Reborn said that Santoria got boring. People slowly were playing less and less. Gronnstadt fell after few weeks. x4verr left completely. And Reborn was getting more and more bored of the server. Okiwix was trying to keep Whueburg active, but it all just ended with him being the only one active.


And so it happened. Whueburg died. Reborn said that he is not planning on coming back to this town. But some of the members still wanted to live in this world. And then a man named Zyklops. The leader of a town called Order of the Pandas, invited Whueburgs citizens to Pandas. People left. Went to Pandas.

And the last day of Whueburgs activity was September 11 2023. A day when the most active Whueburgian and the greatest Whueburgian architect - Okiwix, left the town.

"I hope that this town will rise again. But without me and the others..." - Okiwix

Is it the end?[]

Now Whueburg is a ghost town. With one or two members logging on once every few weeks. But it won't be forgotten. Okiwix created a town called Wexepolis. The town has the a lot of old Whueburg members. There, Whueburgs legacy will never be forgotten.
