Nameelian Overview[]
The Empire of Nameel is one of the oldest Nations on the server. Nameel is a constitutional democracy, and has Viceroy (The leader) elections every 100 days. Nameel has a playercount of ~300. The Capital of Nameel is Port Nameel, also known as the Golden City. It sits just north of server spawn.
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Nameels current leader is Terracrafter, who is now the 4th Viceroy in Nameels constitutional era. (11/3/24)
Short History[]
The Empire of Nameel was founded on December 10th, 2022, and is the longest standing nation, though its official status has always been disputed.
Viceroys in order of oldest to newest (Constitutional era): Horatio, Puny, Fox, Terra.
Fox was impeach by Crumble for inactivity.
Nameelian Preamble to the Constitution below:[]
There will always come a time in human history when the world falls into disrepair, and forgets what it once was built upon. Such times bring great destruction and tyranny, and annihilate the values that allowed them to exist in the first place. Thus is the state of Atlas, which has forsaken its heroic past, which was filled with enlightenment, freedom, and democracy. In those ancient days in which our forefathers toiled, the world united against the usurpers of the peace, and none needed to worry about great nations tearing their cities apart. Now, they have been forgotten, and the world has been plunged into chaos and violence. Now, with the ancient ways of freedom and justice being nearly forgotten, and plunderers and bandits roaming free and unchecked, does the Golden City return. Let it be known that, upon the ancient ground of its founding, the Empire of Nameel awakens once more to defend what little democracy and freedom remains in this world. Upon the ancient principles of the rule of the people, the Empire shall forever work to preserve its democratic systems, and to encourage the growth of them elsewhere. May all oppressed peoples find solace behind our walls, and may all have a voice inside them.
The Preamble is a great example of what Nameel truly stands for, and shows what the Writers of the Constitution (Puny, Porky, Horatio) wanted to do, and what they wanted Nameel to become on Santoria. Atlas, once a land of lore and hope for Nameelians, has seemingly fallen far from what it once was.
The Constitution of the Empire of Nameel[]
There will always come a time in human history when the world falls into disrepair, and forgets what it once was built upon. Such times bring great destruction and tyranny, and annihilate the values that allowed them to exist in the first place. Thus is the state of Atlas, which has forsaken its heroic past, which was filled with enlightenment, freedom, and democracy. In those ancient days in which our forefathers toiled, the world united against the usurpers of the peace, and none needed to worry about great nations tearing their cities apart. Now, they have been forgotten, and the world has been plunged into chaos and violence. Now, with the ancient ways of freedom and justice being nearly forgotten, and plunderers and bandits roaming free and unchecked, does the Golden City return. Let it be known that, upon the ancient ground of its founding, the Empire of Nameel awakens once more to defend what little democracy and freedom remains in this world. Upon the ancient principles of the rule of the people, the Empire shall forever work to preserve its democratic systems, and to encourage the growth of them elsewhere. May all oppressed peoples find solace behind our walls, and may all have a voice inside them.
Let it be known that forever and always the Empire shall preserve its core tenets, which shall be laid out in the stones of our forefathers.
The right to speak freely against one’s government
The right to elect leaders from among the people
The right to worship as you wish, so long as it does no harm to others.
The right to own property, and to do with it as you wish within the law.
The Right to defend one’s property from invasion, excepting law enforcement given a warrant by a Nameelian Judge.
The Right to Bear Arms against one’s oppressors, and to use them to secure and defend the freedoms given by the Constitution.
The right to remove leaders who have done harm to the people
The right to a trial by jury in all crimes
The right to be under the protection of the Empire, no matter where you travel.
The right to vote in all public elections, for free and without any hindrances.
Article One: “Thus is Nameel”[]
Section: 1[]
Nameel is a body formed for the purposes of continual democracy within Santoria, it is here for the perseverance of prosperity, and the destruction of oppressors. We are here to bring friends together, make families of strangers, and bring joy again to one and all, in the hopes of an equitable Santoria. Thus is Nameel, the heart of good in people, and the bane of the evils In people.[]
Article two: “The Government"[]
Section: 1[]
The executive leader of Nameel is the Viceroy, they are the figurehead of Nameelian interests, and command the political sphere within Nameel. They are the upholders of our constitution, and hold the nation together with the aid of the council body, and their ministers. They also exist to be the representative of Nameelian spirit. They are also the commanding officer of the military in times of crisis. They serve 100 days, and then peacefully transfer their office to the next citizen elected by the people for office. Under no circumstances may a citizen who has served as Viceroy be reelected, unless the Standing Council permits it. and are re-elected then afterwards, there is under no possible situation, unless one done through the Standing council, in which a Viceroy is re-elected. If the viceroy is at some point incapacitated, or unable to lead the county, the ministers shall take up the responsibilities of the viceroy. They shall make decisions together, and shall only declare a decision made when there is a unanimous vote of the ministers. This is excepted in the case of military action, as the Minister of Defense will have sole authority to command the military if the viceroy is incapacitated. Once it comes time for a new viceroy to be elected, the ministers will step down from their power. The time of a new viceroy being elected shall be defined as the time the currently incapacitated viceroy would have stepped down from power, if he had never been incapacitated. Out of all laws in this constitution, this one shall never be changed, for the only way for one to gain official power in Nameel is to be elected by the people to the position of Viceroy.
Section 2[]
There shall be four ministers. Each of their voices holds the same weight, and none may attempt to gain a greater voice than another. If such suspicion is held, any Citizen can call for a trial of the minister to see if they had been truly attempting to gain an upper hand. If the citizen presents sufficient evidence that the minister has violated the constitution for a trial, it shall be held. If the accusations are found to be true, then the offending minister shall be removed from office. Each minister shall serve for 100 days, alongside the Viceroy. Once the Viceroy leaves office, the Ministers shall follow. New ministers shall be elected by the council from among their number, and they shall enter office alongside the new viceroy. A former Minister may not run for Minister again, however they may serve in the Council without any restrictions, and none can “check” any other, any attempt at hierarchy’s within this will result in trial.
The Ministers[]
One Minister will be of Foreign affairs, who works with outside bodies and delegates their ideologies to the Nameelian government, and vice-versa. They work to achieve a better Nameel by the spread of culture and government desires. They shall Delegate issues to the Viceroy for him to solve, and then returning sentence to the bodies they serve to abridge with. One Minister will be of Labor, they shall delegate all affairs of labor. They will work with the councils and the Viceroy to achieve a greater Nameel through organizing labor. They shall listen to the demands of the people, and draft laws to protect the workers of Nameel. They shall also organize governmental businesses, and organize the workers who work on them. One Minister will be of Military, and they shall Train the military, but they shall not command her. They shall work directly with the Viceroy to achieve a greater body of troops, and the citizen who holds office cannot hold citizenship with any other nations They can be aided however by outside bodies. One Minister will be of Finance, and they shall manage the treasury and collect taxes. They shall draft laws regarding taxes, and consult with the viceroy on what should be taxed. They will, alongside the Viceroy, draft the budget, and present it to the council for approval. They shall also be responsible for regulating trade with Nameel from outside powers, and be responsible for setting up trade deals with foreign nations alongside the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Section 3[]
The Council Proper will be a body of officials, elected by the people of Nameel. They shall be elected for 50 day terms, with the very first body of councilmen serving a 75 day term, so to begin the process by which when the office of the viceroy is changed, the council remains constant. The council shall command the law writing of Nameel, and they will delegate issues to the ministers and Viceroy if they have need of their counsel, but without prompt. They are not equal to Ministers, and the word of Ministers will have superior say over them. Additionally, the council may at any time call for the Re-election of the Viceroy if they find them to have forsaken their duties. This reelection shall be passed with the approval of two thirds of the council, and then it shall be brought before the people, where they shall make the final say on the fate of the Viceroy. Among these councilmen, one of their number shall be elevated to the position of Chairman of the Council. They shall be elected secretly, and they shall not have any vote in the proceedings of council. They shall manage and schedule meetings, and shall take notes during sessions. They will issue anonymous reports of the council meetings to the people and Viceroy of Nameel, and shall serve alongside the current council, changing once the council’s term ends, and a new one begins.
Section 4[]
To hold any position in the Government of Nameel, one must be a Citizen, with no record of treason against the state. They must furthermore be an active participant in the community, who has offered a total of 8 or more hours of work for the Empire, and actively participates in community events and civic duties.
Article Three: “The Courts of Nameel”[]
Section 1[]
All citizens, no matter what crime committed nor what standing, have the right to a free and fair trial, by a jury of their peers. Likewise, any citizen may bring any case to a free and fair trial by jury.
Section 2[]
If the offender is a foreigner, they shall be granted the same rights as a Nameelian citizen, and receive the same trial. However, the punishment may be changed due to the authority the Courts have over the foreigner, and the cooperativeness of the foreign power.
Section 3[]
This trial shall consist of a Judge, whom shall be selected by the council from among their number, to serve for 100 days, and a Jury of 15 members, whom shall be selected from the Nameelian populace who has the least connection to the defense and/or prosecution. In the trial, the judge will serve as moderator, and the jury will deliberate a decision. The judge may accept or veto the decision of the Jury, however, the condemned can call another trial with a different judge, so long as they have evidence that the judge was corrupt. Furthermore, if any citizen wishes to put a trial into question, they may present evidence that a judge was corrupt, and therefore call that judge into question. If in one of these trials the judge is found to be corrupt, they are removed from the position and a new judge is selected.
Section 4[]
If it is discovered that the defense has bribed, threatened, or in any other way attempted to influence the decision of the Jury and/or Judge outside of the trial, they shall be immediately deemed guilty of all crimes accused, and sentenced to their punishment.
Section 5[]
A book of laws and their punishments shall be made in Minecraft, so that any judge or jury may easily access a comprehensive knowledge of the Law of Nameel.
Section 6[]
In the constitution, for a few capital offenses the punishments will be laid down in stone. In the following laws, Wealth shall be defined as all coins one owns, Capital shall be defined as property and the means of producing and selling goods, and Assets shall be defined as all items belonging to the offender. To murder another citizen in cold blood, one shall be punished by a seizing of all capital owned by the offender, and be banished from Nameel. However, if the one who was killed forgives their murderer, then the murderer shall be spared all punishment. What is more, if the prosecution is found to have manipulated said killing for gain to themselves, they shall receive the punishment the murderer would have received. To Raid the town or people of our allies, one shall be punished by a seizing of all capital owned by the offender, and then they shall be brought back to the court of our allies, where the stolen goods will be returned, and the offender shall be punished according to our allies law. To associate or trade with a declared enemy of Nameel, one shall be punished by having one’s commerce-related capital seized. This is defined as ships, farms, stores, factories, and other methods of producing goods to be sold or selling said goods. A repeat offense will be treated as high treason, and will be punished as such. To commit high treason against the Empire of Nameel, one shall be punished by having all assets and capital seized, and by having the condemned be placed into prison on Nameelian soil until a meeting with the enemy can be acquired. At this meeting, the accused will be given to the enemy, as once one has betrayed the empire, they have already become more of a foe than any enemy we could declare. They will never be permitted to return to the Empire, lest they be killed on the spot. To commit theft, of any level or type, one shall return all stolen goods to the person they were stolen from, plus 25% of one's assets and wealth, of which half shall be paid to the offended person, the other half to the Empire. To evade taxes of the Empire, one shall pay the empire twice the taxes they evaded paying, and they shall be placed on a list of people to be closely observed by the Minister of Finance and their officers.
Article Four: "Amending the Constitution"[]
Section 1[]
Any citizen may propose an amendment in the form of a bill to the council. In the next session of council, this bill will be deemed if it is reasonable to be added or not. The amendment may add things to the constitution, however it may only change articles in the original constitution with the support of the entire council. An amendment will only be passed with the vote of 3/4 of the Council, and the approval of the current Judge of Nameel.
Thus Concludes the Constitution of Nameel.[]
“Long Live Nameel! Death to fear! Life to Liberty! Never burn, the Golden City!” - Sicilious Verrater. Circa unknown.
Shilh ltsiuoyliztsih! Shilh lhzmin! Shilh lshlum! Old Nameelian for “Glory to Civilization! Glory to Order! Glory to Peace! Horatio Haimperiya, on the beginning of the Vampyrskan War Nameel
Tzm Iantzsch! Old Nameelian for “Nameel Independent Forever!
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