Olympia was created 20/02/2024 by RotnBrainCells and Wolf_Pack678, both ex DragonCore members. Olympia was a founding member of the nation Northstar, and eventually started the A.U.T.M alliance / unofficial nation. Olympia fought Imperium in the 2 Minute War, afterwords signing a NAP with them. Imperium later broke the NAP to assist Aepholia from A.U.T.M’s annexation of them. Wolf_Pack678 left and rejoined several times, leaving akaSneakydeer as CoLeader in his place. Eventually, RotnBrainCells did a "coup" and kicked many members, along with making Fulminara the new CoLeader, attempting to find more loyal members. His actions and past dictatorship, like ruling prompted Fulminara and A.U.T.M's betrayal, and overthrowing of RotnBrainCells; destroying Olympia in the process. The Land was then remade as Novus Olympia by akaSneakydeer on 26/07/2024.
(Left: Novus Olympia flag, Right: Olympia Flag)
Old Olympia[]
Olympia was first created by RotnBrainCells and Wolf_Pack678 on 20/02/2024. The land was funded off of selling hay bales, leading to the construction of a large wheat field in Olympia to finance it. This was the its primary source of profit, until the fishing update.
Northstar & A.U.T.M[]
Later on, Olympia was invited to a meeting, hosted by Mr. Cheese, in Altai Shan. This meeting proposed the creation of Northstar. However, Northstar wasn't created until ULA agreed to merge with Northstar, under it's name, reviving the near dead nation. Soon after, Olympia created a small alliance, between itself, Elderwood, and Deadfrost, called A.U.T.M (Allies Under The Mountain).
The Two Minute War[]
Olympia started having troubles with getting robbed by Imperium members, on the way from the city to aether. As a result, Olympia convinced Imperium to sign a NAP. However Imperium proposed the condition, whereby the two lands went to war, where the triumphant side was given 5k and the fallen soldiers gear.
The war was a 5v5, alongside 2 citizens from Sidora (A town in A.U.T.M) assisting Olympia because not enough members showed up. It was later named, The Two Minute war because of how quickly Olympia was slaughtered in the fight. Afterwords, Waviest_Mantis was promoted to military general; for he was the only non-leader Olympian to fight in the battle.
The Dark Ages[]
Olympia's CoLeader, Wolf_Pack678, left Olympia to start a land (New Cyanlight). Overtime, the land slowly faded into inactivity, with the only active players being Waviest_Mantis and Knightmare626. However, even Knightmare626 eventually disappeared. Waviest_Mantis was, eventually, promoted to CoLeader, in Wolf_Pack678's absence.
New Olympia[]
Reactivity & Golden Age[]
Eventually, Wolf_Pack678 returned to Olympia, retaking the CoLeader position. Alongside his return, Olympia received an immense level activity, gaining many new players. Most notably: akaSneakydeer, tvtv2012, SprintYT_, L3ws_YT, Elbenos, and fayablaze424. During this time, Olympia transformed, into a near “Nation Capital” worthy land and reached its peak of activity and size. Gaining the "Land” level.
Wolf_Pack678, yet again, left, after A.U.T.M failed to become a nation. He left Elbenos as Military General, and Waviest_Mantis as CoLeader.
Annexation of Aepholia[]
Plans for the Annexation of Aepholia began, soon after. However, after the battle was announced, Imperium broke the NAP with Olympia,to side with Aepholia in the war. Consequently, A.U.T.M payed The Stones 10,000 to aid in the battle. With the help of the stones, the battle was victorious, for A.U.T.M.
The Legend Elbenos[]
During the battle, Elbenos bravely lead 50 llamas in battle as a distraction, sacrificing his own life and the lives of many llamas; Elbenos was forever remembered, as a hero because of this moment.
Shortly after, Waviest_Mantis left Olympia to co-lead Terra Sicar, leaving akaSneakydeer as CoLeader of Olympia, in his stead.
"Loyal" Olympia[]
Olympia’s Downfall[]
Rotnbraincells, eventually, started to worry his citizens were becoming more loyal to A.U.T.M than to him. So he "couped" his CoLeader and many citizens, banishing them from the land; Declaring a new member (and friend of his), Fulminara, the new CoLeader. This was very upsetting to A.U.T.M because akaSneakyDeer had worked very closely with the nation, along with spending countless hours improving Olympia.
It was decided that RotnBrainCells would be overthrown. Through some convincing, even Fulminara agreed to help.
Olympia fell on 30/07/2024 due to [redacted].
Novus Olympia[]
Olympia’s Resurrection[]
Olympia was remade on 26/07/2024 by akaSneakydeer, with many past members of Olympia joining along with RedIsRich the leader of the now-abandoned Aepholia.